Saturday, October 22, 2005

Roller Coaster Lives

My little one and I lead "roller coaster lives"... you know... lots of ups and downs and twists and turns... wondering what might be lurking around the bend and even some thrills and spills perhaps. It's hard to make plans because there are so many "others" we care about and care for. But maybe what makes a good roller coaster and a good life for that matter, is the unpredictability. It keeps us on our toes. Now there's a remarkable roller coaster at a historic park in Southwestern Pennsylvania. The coaster's called "The Racer"... two coaster tracks side by side... the cars "race" each other with every ride... perhaps even more remarkable that it was built a hundred years ago in 1906 and survives to this day... I wonder if the designer knew the commentary he was making on "modern" life...

If you didn't get it from reading our blog, MY little one and I live miles and miles apart. We talk every day throughout the day and we spend a good deal of time together on line too. We've gone months without touching (not lately) and yet we grow closer every day. These past few days have given us the wonder and the joy of being together, and we made love (lord did we ever) and she got spanked and we made love and she got spanked some more... (whispering... and we made love some more)...

MY little one will be on the road again soon, and she'll tell the tale from her side, more eloquently than I no doubt... things here and there are going as well as can be expected and only one thing's certain...

The roller coaster ride's far from over; unpredictable turns to be sure... a racer perhaps... but in truth I tell you, the only peace is in each others arms, and I am the most patient and loving man heaven ever made (knowing I was made for you)...

For always MY beloved... MY beloved little one...

I am your Guy !

1 Old Comments:

Another beautiful post Guy. Having to be apart makes the moments you spend together so much more cherished.

BTW I am originally from the WV, PA area and I have ridden the racer at Kennywood many times, as a matter of fact we took our kids there over the summer! LOL

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 23/10/05 12:22 PM