Monday, November 07, 2005

Tag Poop (reprise)

Alright people... (stalking the responsible conspirators with paddle in hand)... step up and take your due... or maybe us fella's will just round you ALL up and "tag" some bare bottoms "en mass"

1. Were you named after anyone?
considerably... my birth certificate reads like Prince Charles' wedding vows... My uncle, Saint Bernard, AND my father
2. When did you last cry?
the minute i saw i had been "tagged"
3. What is your favorite lunch meat?
see # 13
4. What is your most embarrassing cd?
Neil Diamond sings Neil Young.. the early years (aka forever in blue jeans meets godzilla)
5. Where is your second home?
second star to the right... straight on 'til morning
6. Do you trust others too easily?
not "too" easily, but I give folks a wise and wary "benefit of the doubt"
7. What was your favorite toy as a child?
a copy of Caesar's Conquests in the original latin, and the professional catcher's mitt I saved for a year to buy
8. Would you bungee jump?
(twitching with lingering spinal damage) been there done that
9. Do you think you are strong?
always... don't "think"... KNOW
10. What are your favorite colors?
puce... as in that'll turn ya... but that's another story altogether
11. What is the least favorite thing about yourself?
my lack of wit
12. Who do you miss the most? Deceased?
My little one... every moment we're apart... My beloved mother
13. What was the last thing you ate?
see # 3... no wait... with deferrence to Bette Midler... something about it lookin like a "taco"
14. If you were a crayon, which color would you be?
the color of honey (pun intended)... MY honey... or... the "so big my hand won't close around it" color
15. What is the weather out right now?
about a dollar twenty
16. Last person you talked to on the phone?
My little one
17. Do you wear contacts?
contracts... we don't need no stinkin contracts... oh... never mind... I used to have em hangin all over me, but not any more
18. Last movie you watched?
Finding Neverland
19. Favorite day of the year?
Garibaldi Day
20. Where would you want to go on your next vacation?
NOT Canada
21. Favorite smells?
MY little one, lilacs, coffee, popcorn, fresh bread, water
22. What's the furthest you've been away from home?
Mars... as in the University of...

13 Old Comments:

OMG!!! He did it!! Leave it to him to supply us with some of the answers he did!! *rollin my eyes and laughin*

By Blogger little one, at 7/11/05 11:05 AM  

i'm not seeing a lack of wit anywhere!! those answers were so funny!!

By Blogger wind walker, at 7/11/05 11:22 AM  

what??? NOT Canada. HEY! What's with that? lol.
loved the rest of your answers...
Take care.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/11/05 12:30 PM  

i was gonna say... Guy doesn't muck with no cannuck (laffin)... seriously though... Canada's awesomely beautiful, but MY little one and I about freeze in Key West so the height of summer in Montreal might be barely tolerable... BELIEVE ME... it was a rib !!

By Blogger little one, at 7/11/05 12:50 PM  

We have the mildest weather in canada. People move here because it's so mild and warm. It hardly ever goes below zero. We only get snow and not much of it a few times a year. We are known for our rain. We get lots of it because we are the coast..always weather coming in from hawaii..

Seriously though..When I went to Calgary in April I almost froze. It's not like that here. Never. Vancouver is also beautiful and scenic and known for many things.

I know some people think all of canada is cold but it's not like that here...I am very happy to live in Vancouver and will never move due to the mild climate.

Take care..

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/11/05 2:37 PM  

Sounds beautiful Shyanne, I've never been out of the US, but I hope to someday when the kids get older.

AW Storm, does that mean you won't answer the spanking questions? LOL

Guy, you did an excellent job answering the questions, and you even lived to tell about it! ;) (knowing the paddle is gonna be making contact with my poor bottom as I write this!)LOL

Again, thank you Wind Walker for tagging Storm, it was just too good seeing the men squirm! LOL

Little one, I'm thinking about hiding all the spanking implements for a while! LOL

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/11/05 4:25 PM  

I suppose this would be an inconvenient time to mention a new spanking meme on my blog...


By Blogger Bonnie, at 7/11/05 11:00 PM  

OK guys, sorry I've been AWOL today, *sighs* long, busy and trying day. Tryin to catch up a little bit on the blogs now. *knowing I'm gonna be in trouble for being here right now*

Storm, You GOTTA answer em!!!! *sweet pleading smile*

Shyanne, OMG, it DOES sound so gorgeous where you are!!

Janeen, I'm hiding the implements too!!!!!

Bonnie, COOL!! Another one!! Not inconvenient at all!!! :)

By Blogger little one, at 7/11/05 11:11 PM  

Master Anakin answered them. The other men should too. :) Master Anakin shouldn't be alone in his suffering. lol. Not fair to Master Anakin to have to do it all by himself.

little one,
yes, Vancouver is beautiful. I hope you and Guy make it out this way one day! :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/11/05 11:13 PM  

I agree shyanne, NOT fair for him to have to do them alone! Guy WILL do them *grin*

We would LOVE to make it to Vancouver one day... despite what HE said... LOL.

By Blogger little one, at 7/11/05 11:45 PM  

Morning little one...
Hope your having a good day!
You and Guy are always welcome here in Vancouver...There's so much to show you and very scenic and yes, warm. lol.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/11/05 1:14 PM  

Wonderful blog little one and Guy.. I've added you to my links

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/11/05 11:01 PM  

LMAO Will!! Way to go Janeen!!! ;) Too funny!!!

tboneslagirl, welcome to our blog and thank you very much for your kind comment. :)

By Blogger little one, at 9/11/05 6:10 AM