Gotta Love These Quizzes
Which DISNEY character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
LOL Storm, I was doing one a LONG time ago... wasn't even spanking related. It was a humorous one however.. and it came back saying... "You would benefit from serious help" *grin* So fear not Storm, you wouldn't be the first. lol
By little one, at 18/11/05 10:18 AM
something STILL makes me pretty sure we don't need no stinkin quiz to know...
we're all...
fuckin goofy
By little one, at 18/11/05 11:24 AM
i got minnie mouse.....
i like alice better.....
very cute quiz...
i also did one that told me i would benefit from treatment....yeah, treatment over my warrior's knee!!
By wind walker, at 18/11/05 12:59 PM
I got the minnie mouse one too. :)
Glad you did the quiz, little one. That's so neat your alice.
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