A Rant...
Well, I’m still here.... just sitting in the background. The reason for my absence from the blogs is due to health reasons mostly.
I must admit though, that it goes just a bit deeper than that. I’ve debated for weeks now to post or not to post, but now I’m being *made* to pretty much.
I’m not a good sharer of my feelings and “what’s wrong with me”. I started this blog to do just that actually, with a spanking twist. I’ve lost focus on the *true* reason I started this blog, to have a place to learn to open myself up better. Well, guess what? I’m not learning.
I’ve gotten a few ‘hints’ from some people in the past that if it’s going to be a spanking blog, then that’s what it needs to be, meaning no emotional shit/baggage intertwined. I’ve gotten hints that my “humor” that I sometimes post (my jokes) do not belong on *my* spanking blog. I guess I’ve let this get to me more than I’ve cared to admit, or even realized, to be honest... until recently that is, and I’m actually embarrassed to say that I have. I’ve never wanted to get into the ‘blog drama’, and actually *refuse* to. (This will be the last time there will be a post of this subject matter on this blog, or at least I hope it will, that’s how I plan it anyway.) The truth is, I know that I don’t ‘owe’ anybody anything out there in the blog world, but what it comes down to, and the reason for this post, is that anyone’s blog that I visit I enjoy, and I *do* miss the interaction with all of you. I miss Storm busting my chops, and I his, and so on... you know who each and everyone of you are, and I treasure every interaction we have on one another’s blog. Let me say, just so my regular readers, and my regular blogs that I visit will know, that it has been *none* of you that has taken part in this.
I will guide those of you that have chided me for making this blog *more* or *less*, (however you choose to look at it) than a spanking blog to my very first post. I said it would be a “refuge” for me... a place for me to express my feelings out loud, so to speak. I never made a claim that it would be *completely* about spanking. Excuse me for not living up (to you few who seem to think that you have a say as to what content I put on my blog, and seem to think that *I* owe *you* anything) to your standards. Excuse me hell! There is nothing to excuse. This is *my* blog, *not* yours. I can take constructive criticism rather well, but when you try to tell me, and not in a very nice manner, what content to put on my blog, well screw you. Go somewhere else! I just don’t understand where people *think* they have the right to try to tell people what they can and can’t put on their blog. If people don’t like my jokes and me sharing my feelings on my blog, then *leave*! Ya know, Guy and I are *so* not into this for the blog “hits”. I could care less how many hits I have, and if I lose readers for this post, then by dammit, so be it. I don’t care one way or the other. Gawwwwd, where did I lose focus at on this?
For weeks I’ve thrown the idea around in my head of starting a second blog for my attempts at getting stuff off my chest that I find so hard to share, and for posting my “humorous” stuff, but the truth of that is, is that it will have spanking “stuff” in it too, because some of the stuff I have a hard time sharing is spanking “feelings”.
I’ve went and done what I’ve seen several other bloggers do, and what I’ve said I would *never* do, and that is let what others say and think get under my skin. Yes, shame on me, and shame on me also, because I’ve shared *none* of these feelings with Guy. The first he will have heard about it is when he reads this post. Woe be my behind.
Anyway, I’m not sorry for the rant, so I won’t say that I am. There may or may not be a post coming about little (and big) things that are going on with me. I guess it depends if I decide I *want* (and to you little snots out there, you will *not* persuade me one way or the other... If I do indeed decide to start another blog for that purpose, it’s *only* because I had been milling it over for weeks now, long before any of you started feeling like almighty God, and flattering yourself enough to think that you have a say as to what I put in my blog) to start another blog for just that.
That aside, I hope all of you are doing well and that spring is just around the corner for all. I will be back eventually. Take care all of you.
I must admit though, that it goes just a bit deeper than that. I’ve debated for weeks now to post or not to post, but now I’m being *made* to pretty much.
I’m not a good sharer of my feelings and “what’s wrong with me”. I started this blog to do just that actually, with a spanking twist. I’ve lost focus on the *true* reason I started this blog, to have a place to learn to open myself up better. Well, guess what? I’m not learning.
I’ve gotten a few ‘hints’ from some people in the past that if it’s going to be a spanking blog, then that’s what it needs to be, meaning no emotional shit/baggage intertwined. I’ve gotten hints that my “humor” that I sometimes post (my jokes) do not belong on *my* spanking blog. I guess I’ve let this get to me more than I’ve cared to admit, or even realized, to be honest... until recently that is, and I’m actually embarrassed to say that I have. I’ve never wanted to get into the ‘blog drama’, and actually *refuse* to. (This will be the last time there will be a post of this subject matter on this blog, or at least I hope it will, that’s how I plan it anyway.) The truth is, I know that I don’t ‘owe’ anybody anything out there in the blog world, but what it comes down to, and the reason for this post, is that anyone’s blog that I visit I enjoy, and I *do* miss the interaction with all of you. I miss Storm busting my chops, and I his, and so on... you know who each and everyone of you are, and I treasure every interaction we have on one another’s blog. Let me say, just so my regular readers, and my regular blogs that I visit will know, that it has been *none* of you that has taken part in this.
I will guide those of you that have chided me for making this blog *more* or *less*, (however you choose to look at it) than a spanking blog to my very first post. I said it would be a “refuge” for me... a place for me to express my feelings out loud, so to speak. I never made a claim that it would be *completely* about spanking. Excuse me for not living up (to you few who seem to think that you have a say as to what content I put on my blog, and seem to think that *I* owe *you* anything) to your standards. Excuse me hell! There is nothing to excuse. This is *my* blog, *not* yours. I can take constructive criticism rather well, but when you try to tell me, and not in a very nice manner, what content to put on my blog, well screw you. Go somewhere else! I just don’t understand where people *think* they have the right to try to tell people what they can and can’t put on their blog. If people don’t like my jokes and me sharing my feelings on my blog, then *leave*! Ya know, Guy and I are *so* not into this for the blog “hits”. I could care less how many hits I have, and if I lose readers for this post, then by dammit, so be it. I don’t care one way or the other. Gawwwwd, where did I lose focus at on this?
For weeks I’ve thrown the idea around in my head of starting a second blog for my attempts at getting stuff off my chest that I find so hard to share, and for posting my “humorous” stuff, but the truth of that is, is that it will have spanking “stuff” in it too, because some of the stuff I have a hard time sharing is spanking “feelings”.
I’ve went and done what I’ve seen several other bloggers do, and what I’ve said I would *never* do, and that is let what others say and think get under my skin. Yes, shame on me, and shame on me also, because I’ve shared *none* of these feelings with Guy. The first he will have heard about it is when he reads this post. Woe be my behind.
Anyway, I’m not sorry for the rant, so I won’t say that I am. There may or may not be a post coming about little (and big) things that are going on with me. I guess it depends if I decide I *want* (and to you little snots out there, you will *not* persuade me one way or the other... If I do indeed decide to start another blog for that purpose, it’s *only* because I had been milling it over for weeks now, long before any of you started feeling like almighty God, and flattering yourself enough to think that you have a say as to what I put in my blog) to start another blog for just that.
That aside, I hope all of you are doing well and that spring is just around the corner for all. I will be back eventually. Take care all of you.
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