Friday, December 16, 2005

Still Alive

Hey everyone... yes, we're still alive. * sticking my head out* Is Christmas over yet? No? Didn't think so. *crawling back into my hole*

I hope everyone is coping better than I am. I want to say a big heartfelt thank you to all you that left such supportive comments and well wishes. It really did lift my spirits to some degree. Y'all actually made a smile run across my face.

Bonnie, you're so right, life does go on, and so does the blogging world, and as usual, you put it so well. Thank you.

Searabbit, It's nice to know that I'm not that only one that's slowed down on the reading and posting. I hope your move went well and you're enjoying your new place. My thoughts and prayers are still with you. I'll be with my Mother for Christmas, so I won't be alone. It really wouldn't have been that bad being alone, honest. As you said, it's so commercialized. I remember the meaning of Christmas and that's the important part.

Shyanne, Thank you so much for all your supportive emails. You're so kind and caring. Thanks for always having a shoulder for me to lean on and an ear that's always open. I hope that things have calmed down for you as well and you have some peace about you during this time.

Poiesia, Thank you so much as well for your kind and uplifting sentiment. You're right, blogging shouldn't be a pressure, but I hope I'm not the only one that sometimes lets it feel that way. I just need to get a grip, that's all. *smile* I hope you're getting through the chaos better than I am.

Storm, *laughing* I just LOVE the way you put it just the way it You know damn well you're one of my favorite commenters! *laughing* I've actually missed the snide comments and pissing you off. *grin* So it shall resume! Be warned! And oh, btw, I know I'm a little shit, I admit it. *grin*

Wind, Thank you so much. It will destress *some* when the holidays are over. I give my congrats to you and Storm once again. I'm so happy for you both. Now, keep him in line, would ya? LMAO! Just kidding, just kidding!

lagirl, So good to see you here again. *smiles* Thank you so much for the comforting words. You're so kind.

Janeen, Awww, thank you!! Things will get better eventually, I guess I just have to hang tough until they do. Do a little kicking and screaming in the mean time and I shall prevail. *smile*

So to all of you, thank you again. *huggin all of ya*

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